Stand out with a beautiful and welcoming brand
Church branding services
Planting a new church or looking to refresh the look and feel of your established church? We can help you with your branding!
Whether you realise it or not, your ‘brand’ is saying something about you. Branding is your visual identity, telling people important messages about your church before you have even said a word.
People want to get a sense of who you are and what you stand for through how you present yourself. Design plays an important part of your physical and digital presence as it helps to build trust, credibility and a sense of identity.
Before coming to your physical building, people considering your church will check out your website or your social media first. They’ll be looking to see if your church is a place they can see themselves belonging! Plus, clear and compelling branding helps your existing church members feel a sense of belonging too.
Our team works from concept to completion, creating an impactful brand that reflects your church.
Our work
Church of the Risen King Jesus
When an existing church plant of MBM branched out on their own, they renamed themselves Church of the Risen King Jesus. Taking on a new name meant needing a new visual identity, and they came to VCA for their expertise! The team at VCA worked with Risen King to develop a full brand, as well as upskill them in how to deliver their brand effectively. Now they have a beautiful and effective brand that tells their area who they are and a sense of confidence in standing on their own.